Welcome Home Johan Mateo

Welcome Home Johan Mateo
March 12, 2010 - Cars make me happy!

Feliz en los brazos de Mami

Feliz en los brazos de Mami

Todo la Familia

Todo la Familia
Enjoying the day at Monserrate

Our View on Adoption

Adoption is a wonderful metaphor for our salvation in Jesus. We are all adopted sons and daughters of God, brought fully into His family and loved unconditionally. We hope and pray that we honor God in this journey and come to know more deeply the depth of His love and our true identity in Him through this awesome experience.

"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 2 COR 6:18

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The wait continues...

Boy, this is hard. The good news we heard today is that our final piece of paperwork has been completed and should now be in the right hands down in Colombia. That means our "entrega" date should be set - and we should know it - before the end of the week. From there its just a matter of buying our tickets and getting on our way. We're still planning on traveling sometime the week of March 8.

In the meantime, its getting harder to concentrate on anything but going down and getting Johan Mateo. But its a special time as well. Our friends the Treats and the Ladduwahettis hosted a baby shower over the weekend. Primrose and Rohan's son Jason (14 months) gave Camila and Gisele good "big sister" practice. And Liliana's work had a shower for her today.

We're also looking forward to getting together this weekend with another couple in San Antonio who will travel in March to pick up their new daughter in Bucaramanga. They share our anxiety over this last excruciating period of waiting, though hopefully by Sunday we'll all be past that and have tickets in hand.

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