Welcome Home Johan Mateo

Welcome Home Johan Mateo
March 12, 2010 - Cars make me happy!

Feliz en los brazos de Mami

Feliz en los brazos de Mami

Todo la Familia

Todo la Familia
Enjoying the day at Monserrate

Our View on Adoption

Adoption is a wonderful metaphor for our salvation in Jesus. We are all adopted sons and daughters of God, brought fully into His family and loved unconditionally. We hope and pray that we honor God in this journey and come to know more deeply the depth of His love and our true identity in Him through this awesome experience.

"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 2 COR 6:18

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Checking out Hotel Zuetana

Great guest house specializing in adopting famies, where we will stay
for 2 weeks after getting Johan Mateo. Playground, lots of kid
activities, 3 meals a day and basically all we need, and in a great
location. We spoke to Johan from here for the first time, he heard our
voices but didn't speak much. It felt like getting a single cracker
after a weeklong fast.


Carolina D. said...

Wow! How exciting!!!

Unknown said...

Que emoción Lily y Michael. Hermoso video.

Mil bendiciones a toda la familia.

Besos y abrazos de los González/Pirela Novoa.